This text is in response to Serbian Golden Age Celebrated in London, in particular to the title.
The mere suggestion of a golden age suggests and assumes there have been no ages or serious Serbian civilisations that have been equally as golden and that predate the one mentioned.
There are people such (Dr Miloš Milojević, Draško Šćekić, Ognjen Radulović, Dr Olga Pjanović, Dr Jovan Deretić, Prof. Milorad Stojić, Radonja Božović, Prof Radivoje Pešić, Pavle Josef Sarafik, Holy Nestor of Novogorod, Mavro Orbini, Eusebius Pamphilia & others) who have an alternative view on Serbian history. Who can possibly give documentation of hundreds of rulers prior to Nemanjci, who were possibly 142nd Serbian Rulers in its entire history. For example Carstvo Svevladovici, Svetimirovici, Ostrivojevic.
The golden age theory, regardless of how great it was, indirectly and unintentionally rests on the foundations of “De administrando imperio”, written by the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos (912-959). Which has been decoded and copied, to imply it has been “adjusted” over time. See
The document or its variants basically imply that the Slavs migrate to the Balkans in the 6th Century. It is the only source for this historic theory.
This was mainly adopted by the Serbian Monarchy, its educational institutions and the Church at the time of the Congress of Berlin, when actual Serbian History was banned.
Can someone on the planet provide additional information that can substantiate, and actually prove this claim of a Serbian/Slav migration from the “Carpathian’s” in the Sixth Century?
For example, the resulting population void that materialises, when tens of thousands of people leave a homeland never to return. The battles for food, in order to logistically support such a mass movement of people/army. Documentation, poems, and songs etc from those lands, that witness this movement of people. The communication that remains between families over time.
This kind of movement tends to be quite well documented through history. It can normally later inspire travel, with possible expeditions to retain alliances and kinship, or to trace the roots of your brethren. A possible example being the belief that Alexander the Great was possibly inspired by Nino Belov and Serbo Makeridov to conquer the world?
I would assume the Serbs are able to document time, as the word Calendar derives from a Serbian/Slavonic toponym. Furthermore its calendar predates most others, hence the Serbian calendar marked the Battle of Kosovo at circa 6897, and this registered on some monuments.
Or the Goddess Serbona
I hereby enclose a map that predates the Congress of Berlin.
I trust this will inspire the Serbian people to research, discover, and start writing and digging for its own account of history. There just might be some more golden ages.